January 06, 2017

2017 Goals!

My Things to Achieve Before 25 made when I was 20. 

If you've been into my room, you'll notice this A0 sized paper pasted on my wall. Before 25 to achieve all that?! Unrealistic, kan? I never renewed the goals, I stayed with them for 3 freaking years! One because upon landing in the UK, I thought I've achieved it all. Two because I lost myself when I was in the UK, so I really didn't know what I wanted then. Yap, me losing myself in the UK was gravely. But, great thing was - in all 35 things to achieve I managed to cross 3 of them in 3 years. In average, I only achieve one thing each year. Alhamdulillah yet it could be better.  

So, this year I've decided to come clean - wanting to achieve everything at one time only brought me to frustrations when it deceived me to feel like I've achieved it all when in reality - I've only really accomplished one of them. Those 35 things I jot down could be my long term goals, but for you to be able to stay focused - you need to break it down into chunks so your mind will be focused on achieving them, one by one.


When setting goals, it needs to be specific. Like, how are you going to achieve it and when do you plan to achieve it. For example:

#Be more productive.

For the first two months, I will get into the habit of sleeping and waking up early - sleep at 11pm and wake up at 5am. Before sleeping every night, I already plan and visualise the things that I am going to achieve the next day. And the rest will follow because after 44 days, it will already become a habit. 

I purposely use a very basic goal because once we get into a routine of sleeping and waking up early, the chances for us to achieve our daily goals are higher and at the end of the day we will feel accomplished. This positive feeling is really important to keep us going and staying motivated to bring us closer to achieve our bigger goals.

Paste your goals on the wall of your working table so you will always be reminded about the things that you want to achieve. Or if you prefer a more techie alternative, display them as your lock screen image or phone background.

And as for me, my targets this year is:

Mmm, so much cleaner and saner doncha think? πŸ˜

So, how to breakdown my targets into daily tasks which I need to do to achieve the bigger goals?

1. Become a TV Host by September 2017. In the meantime, I will be active in joining and doing individual projects, charity events, hold independent basic yoga and meditation sessions to build self-confidence, network with more people and be in the game while filming my activities to enhance my portfolio. 

2. Commit in researching a topic for writing a book & improving my website in terms of content wise, ease of navigation for users. The content will keep on inspiring and move people to achieve greater heights and to take leaps of faiths. In order to achieve this - everyday, I will spend 2 hours to research the topics that I cover. I will learn to design, code and make an impactful website. 

Reflect on your goals to ensure that you are on track to achieve those goals of yours. Ask yourself, "Is what I do today or this week have made me closer to my goals?" If yes, keep it up and double the work as things become easier to do for you to do (alah bisa tegal biasa) if not, revise and ask yourself what went wrong, what should you do instead. Fix it and you're ready to go! And, last but not least -
"You are exactly where you need to be. Be patient and keep on working. An empire isn't built in a day. In fact, it is built in tens or hundreds of years. Just like ourselves, we don't get to be where we want to be in a blink of an eye, nor in a day, nor in a month. But everyday, when we work towards it - we are slowly getting closer to it. And that's what we want - Progress."
Happy achieving our realistic, measurable and attainable goals for this year everyone! 

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