January 23, 2017

Baby Makin Besar, Mommy Mesti Makin Kuat

Alhamdulillah, today marks our baby turns 5 months and 4 days. The journey has been life changing and so beautiful. I quitted my stressful job as a project executive at a development company. Its a billion dollar project of constructing Kedah Integrated Fishery Port (KIFT) in Kuala Kedah. My ex-boss was training me on the technical parts of building a ship. Which is a part and parcel of an engineering point of view but I suppose, once I am fluent in the construction of the ship and its benefits, I am supposed to convince fishermen to buy our modern ships which technology comes from China. A modern fishery vessel which the fishermen can go further with into the deep sea of the Indian Ocean to catch tuna fishes which will then be processed at KIFT and then be sent to China for the tuna to be exported all around the world.

I loved the project and its big prospects. The fact that I get to learn hands-on and be part of one of Malaysia's history changing projects. But, since this is my first ever pregnancy, I really do not want to jeopardise our baby's health by being stressful everyday. Upon agreement, I quitted the job and spend most of my time enjoying the growth of our baby and even, enjoying being a baby. Because we all know once we delivered the baby, we are no more babies. We are guardians of our new borns. So now I am really taking my time to embrace this journey, read on baby's growth and practice on becoming a mindful mother, prepare spiritually mentally and physically to care for our new born because honestly motherhood requires copious amounts of resolve, confidence, stamina, endurance and calmness. And this is what my husband and I are training ourselves to be. Day by day, we are getting there alhamdulillah.

Becoming mindful to the growth inside our tummies is very important. Slowly God develops the motherly instincts inside ourselves and it is essential that we give attention to also put effort into growing the motherly instinct given to us so that when the baby comes out, we are more prepared to care and love for the child. This is particularly important for the parents (mothers especially), because when we are prepared spiritually, mentally and physically to receive the baby - we will be happier in terms of taking care of the new born and loving them with all the might. Things could get more complicated when we are not prepared for this life changing event or accepting the fact that our lives soon will revolve around them - like they are our new lives. Thus, if we can nurture ourselves into becoming this accepting mother of the changes that our child will bring upon us, we will be happier. When we are happy, our child will be happy, so does our husband and our surrounding.

One of the things that you can do to connect with your child and becoming mindful to your pregnancy is:

Giving Vitality to Your Baby through Your Breath

After a hectic day at work, come back refreshed with a calming shower. A shower in which - you lather yourselves with the foam of the soap, massage your head when you are shampooing your hair and just take your time to enjoy your shower or bath. Smile while you are doing this and know that in your heart; yourself and your baby are appreciating you for taking time to treat yourself to a nice me-time, cleaning yourselves off the dirt of dusty air and exhaling all the tiring and negative thoughts you had in the day. Let it all go - it doesn't serve you anymore. What happened, happened. What was done, was done. Let it be. Let it go. Let, go.

Then you shower yourself off the soap foam, closing your eyes while picturing that you are cleansing all the dirts of the day, all the gossips that you've heard, your boss blaming or shouting, all your bad thoughts about an event or how annoyed you felt when your colleague spoke something bad about you or someone you respect. Anything that doesn't serve you anymore - just, let, them, go. Let, go. Its nicer to shower with warm water as it will calm your senses down after a long day at work and getting you ready for sleep.

After a warm shower or bath, you might want to thank God for all the beautiful things he has bestowed upon you today and be grateful to Him for still helping you survive your day and most of all giving you the time to enjoy life and precious moments with your love ones. You'll take your time and pray Isha' mindfully, thanking Him for all the wonderful things He has given you. You also take the time to do zikr after your solah and then when you pray to Him, you smile and let Him know how you love Him for everything He has blessed you with.

You then lie down on your bed with the lights off or with a very dim orange light, calm your mind and body. Feel any tension that is stuck in your body and breathe the tensions out of you. You inhale all the positivity deeply, and give a long exhale out of all the negativity left that you still have in you. You continue to inhale deeply and your baby absorbs vitality. You exhale, and you draw your baby closer to your core - nurturing your unborn child with your breath flow, holding them in the gentle rhythm of your life force.

Let your breath flows and feel the life energy rising within you, continue breathing without mental effort or exertion. Feel your breath deepens and your body relaxes deeper each time you inhale and exhale out your breaths as your mind quiets down and your body relaxes into tranquility. You are no longer mechanically breathing, but consciously connecting your mind to the source of your vitality.

Your ego may resist being told to slow down. What it wants to do is for you to keep busying your mind with things that no longer serves you. That's okay, it is normal that your ego would not want to cooperate with you. Don't judge it - it's just its job to be like that (ego is God's creature too and its their nature to behave so). Accept that your ego is trying to shift your mind into something else rather than calling for tranquility and calmness and let it go while you continue focusing on your breath and bringing vitality to your unborn child. Be patient and persistent. If you need to, stretch out your body and bring back your mind into concentrating on your breath and the unborn baby even when your ego is trying to distract you and reclaim its control over your attention.

Keep on being patient and persistent. Soon, your mind will become receptive to following your breath flow, enabling you to drop more easily into a meditative state of alertness. Then, you can feel your energy and the current that flows inside you connecting to your womb which holds your unborn baby.

With this done, you will feel more connected with your baby and likewise. You might even feel that they are speaking back at you, thanking you for taking the time to really connect with them after your hectic day's work - letting you know how happy they are to be granted your precious time for them.

Because really, when you do this every night now before your baby is born, you will already create a habit to always spend sometime with them mindfully no matter how bad your day went. This is not only good for them but for you especially as their role models, and ultimately giving you the feeling of accomplishment when you've done good for your child and contentment to end your day beautifully for a new fresh beginning the next.

PS: This is not only beneficial for mothers to be, but for anyone who really wants to let go of the past, be free of any negative thoughts that have been holding you down and for those who want to enjoy their present moment.

Goodnight, let's hop on the bed and calm our mind and body, getting ourselves ready to shutdown and looking forward to a new day tomorrow.


January 06, 2017

2017 Goals!

My Things to Achieve Before 25 made when I was 20. 

If you've been into my room, you'll notice this A0 sized paper pasted on my wall. Before 25 to achieve all that?! Unrealistic, kan? I never renewed the goals, I stayed with them for 3 freaking years! One because upon landing in the UK, I thought I've achieved it all. Two because I lost myself when I was in the UK, so I really didn't know what I wanted then. Yap, me losing myself in the UK was gravely. But, great thing was - in all 35 things to achieve I managed to cross 3 of them in 3 years. In average, I only achieve one thing each year. Alhamdulillah yet it could be better.  

So, this year I've decided to come clean - wanting to achieve everything at one time only brought me to frustrations when it deceived me to feel like I've achieved it all when in reality - I've only really accomplished one of them. Those 35 things I jot down could be my long term goals, but for you to be able to stay focused - you need to break it down into chunks so your mind will be focused on achieving them, one by one.


When setting goals, it needs to be specific. Like, how are you going to achieve it and when do you plan to achieve it. For example:

#Be more productive.

For the first two months, I will get into the habit of sleeping and waking up early - sleep at 11pm and wake up at 5am. Before sleeping every night, I already plan and visualise the things that I am going to achieve the next day. And the rest will follow because after 44 days, it will already become a habit. 

I purposely use a very basic goal because once we get into a routine of sleeping and waking up early, the chances for us to achieve our daily goals are higher and at the end of the day we will feel accomplished. This positive feeling is really important to keep us going and staying motivated to bring us closer to achieve our bigger goals.

Paste your goals on the wall of your working table so you will always be reminded about the things that you want to achieve. Or if you prefer a more techie alternative, display them as your lock screen image or phone background.

And as for me, my targets this year is:

Mmm, so much cleaner and saner doncha think? πŸ˜

So, how to breakdown my targets into daily tasks which I need to do to achieve the bigger goals?

1. Become a TV Host by September 2017. In the meantime, I will be active in joining and doing individual projects, charity events, hold independent basic yoga and meditation sessions to build self-confidence, network with more people and be in the game while filming my activities to enhance my portfolio. 

2. Commit in researching a topic for writing a book & improving my website in terms of content wise, ease of navigation for users. The content will keep on inspiring and move people to achieve greater heights and to take leaps of faiths. In order to achieve this - everyday, I will spend 2 hours to research the topics that I cover. I will learn to design, code and make an impactful website. 

Reflect on your goals to ensure that you are on track to achieve those goals of yours. Ask yourself, "Is what I do today or this week have made me closer to my goals?" If yes, keep it up and double the work as things become easier to do for you to do (alah bisa tegal biasa) if not, revise and ask yourself what went wrong, what should you do instead. Fix it and you're ready to go! And, last but not least -
"You are exactly where you need to be. Be patient and keep on working. An empire isn't built in a day. In fact, it is built in tens or hundreds of years. Just like ourselves, we don't get to be where we want to be in a blink of an eye, nor in a day, nor in a month. But everyday, when we work towards it - we are slowly getting closer to it. And that's what we want - Progress."
Happy achieving our realistic, measurable and attainable goals for this year everyone! 

January 03, 2017

Finally Opening Up πŸ’‹

I have always wanted to write about my experiences studying in the UK. But, I never really did it partly because I was ashamed to open up since it didn't really turn the way I wanted it to be. Ie: A lot of my targets weren't achieved when I was in the UK. Nonetheless, I understand the struggles of living far away from home in a totally foreign land, the feeling of homesickness and ultimately - the feeling of losing yourself. 

It is in no doubt that you will be juggling a lot of things such as your study life, love life, family & friends, adapting into an alien culture and how to handle or fit in, ultimately travelling and exploring the world. All is so new and exciting and you want to do everything! Which then you forgot to prioritise and most of the times, you feel like something is missing inside of you which needed to be mended. 

That's why now, I am happy to open up to all of you so you can learn from my experiences and be wiser in terms of choosing and analysing what's best for you while you are 56785329 miles away from home!

Enjoy the ride ~~~~~~